
Chemical-Industrial 96754,xcitefun-nokia-factory-007

Refer to textbook page 107 to answer question 1.
You may refer to the DEFINITION of terms and words used in the textbook below to help you with your reading:
– Make something on a large scale using machinery
– Something produced in the making of something else.
E.g.: Carbon dioxide (by-product) is produced in the making of mobile phones.
– Large scale introduction and use of machinery and advanced technology in an area, society or country.


Read the following text to help your group answer question 2, 3, 4 and 5.
 In 2004, 19% of the world’s greenhouse gas emission came from industries. In India, due to the rapid industrialisation within the country, 22% of their greenhouse gas emission came from their industry sector and the country was rank 5th globally in total greenhouse gas emission (2007).
Greenhouse gases is released into the atmosphere through the burning of fuel for energy to power industrial building and machine. For example petroleum is use to power machine use to make plastic. By-products such as carbon dioxide and methane is also released during production of goods. For example, carbon dioxide is released in the chemical reactions during production of iron, steel, cement and more. Methane which is 23 times more effective than carbon dioxide in trapping heat, is also emitted from factories that process waste water, natural gas and petroleum.
These greenhouse gases absorbs infrared radiation (long-wave radiation) emitted from the earth’s surface and does not allow much of it to escape into space. With the increase in carbon dioxide and methane released by industrial activities, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase leading to enhanced greenhouse effect. Where the high concentration of greenhouse gases traps “excess” heat in the atmosphere resulting to a rise in global temperature (global warming).
The Guardian. (2007). India’s greenhouse gas emission rise by 58%. Retrieved from
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2014). Industry sector emission. Retrieved from

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